Bountiful: RL Choreographers Festival

This year, I'm returning as a Choreographer for R.Evolucion Latina's 2016 Choreographers Festival. I'm excited to create a body percussion piece for the same festival that I choreographed for when I first moved to New York City. It's beautiful when life comes full circle! 

Get Tickets for BOUNTIFUL April 27th- May 1st

R.Evolución Latina’s Choreographers Festival is a unique international event that will take every choreographer, dancer and audience member on a journey of self-discovery and to the awareness of what makes the human spirit BOUNTIFUL.

Until Death Do Us Part

I'm very thankful for the opportunity to direct Until Death Do Us Part at The New York Theatre Festival! Come see the show! 

My Director's Note:

Like Pirandello, I have been always thinking that “Humor is the feeling of the opposite”. An outside tragedy can provoke us a smile at the events of the situation, but when we get inside the tragedy, the smile often becomes bitterness. In my opinion life it’s a tragic comedy. We smile and we cry, we have to deal with complex situations, decisions, contrasting feelings, and sickness. If we step outside of all of it and take a moment to find a smile inside our soul, that smile can help us to deal with the tragedy of life.

Catherine’s material has been a wonderful way for me to represent this concept through the ART and the TALENT of my cast.

None of this would have happen without the help of my great team.

As part of today’s society, in which it becomes so easy to escape from duty, what would you pick, duty or desire?

"And indeed there will be time to wonder, Do I dare?  Do I dare disturb the universe?"

Discovering Magenta

Directing Discovering Magenta was a fantastic journey! Thank you Thespis Theater Festival, cast, and crew!

My Director's Note

The human mind is complex and mysterious. We perceive the world and make decisions – and we feel, desire, and dream. I have always been fascinated by how the brain works. There is the potential for joy when we relate to other people and yet also the fear of what can happen if our mind does not work the way it should.

When Franco Moschetti proposed that I direct Discovering Magenta and connected me with James  Kaufman and Michael Bitterman, it was impossible for me to say no to the project. The material spoke to me at a personal level. It has been a beautiful moment to bring my passion for art to this project and work with the actors to bring the characters to life. This process of creation has been one of the most interesting things I have done.

I consider myself a happy person. There is happiness within everyday moments and the drama of life. As you watch the show, I would like you to reflect on two questions. What makes you happy in life? And what color do you think you are?